Wags & Wiggles | Become a Foster
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Become a Foster

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will it cost me to be a foster home?

Wags & Wiggles Rescue pays for:

  • All veterinarian costs
  • Dog food
  • Leashes & collars
  • Crates
  • Toys, shampoo, treats, dog beds, baby gates and other donated items


Your costs are:

  • Time
  • Gasoline driving your foster dog to and from vet appointments and picking them up from transports (remember mileage is deductible on annual tax returns)

What if I want to keep my foster dog?

Fosters get first options to adopt their foster dog. They would go through the same process and pay the same adoption fee as anyone else but do get first option.

What are my responsibilities as a foster home?

The most important responsibility in fostering is to provide a safe, loving environment for your foster dog and to commit to doing so until a responsible, stable, loving adoptive home is found for him/her.

What can I expect from my foster dog?

While some dogs may be nervous from the anxiety of the transport and/or the upheaval they’ve experienced thus far in their lives, most are extremely happy to finally be in a loving home. It is important to understand that many of these dogs were abandoned or found as strays and may have never lived inside a home. As a result, housetraining your foster dog, even an older one, may be necessary. Your foster dog may also display destructive tendencies inside the home and will need patient, loving guidance to discourage these behaviors. Wags & Wiggles does have crates that can be used by any foster home to help contain the foster dog when supervision isn’t available. The pleasure derived from knowing you are saving a life, watching your foster dog blossom under your care, and placing that dog in a forever home cannot be matched.

When will I get my first foster dog?

As soon as your foster home application has been approved and the home visit has been conducted, you can request a dog.

How long do I typically have the foster dog?

This can vary. Puppies typically go very quickly and may find their adoptive homes within the first week. Very large breed dogs/pups usually get adopted quickly also. It really depends on who looks at the website and when they look at it. In some cases, several weeks may go by before your dog is adopted.

What if I go on vacation? Where does the foster dog go?

This is a great feature about fostering. If you have to go out of town, your foster dog will be put into another foster home or boarded at one of our participating vets at Wags & Wiggles Rescue cost.

What happens if a dog isn’t working out in my home?

We ask that you give the dog at least 72 hours in your home to get somewhat used to the household routine. We usually have no history on a foster dog, so we don’t know what he has experienced in his past. Maybe he was an outside dog or never had obedience training. If after 72 hours there are still problems, the dog will be transferred to another foster home or dogs will be traded among foster homes.

How many dogs do I have to foster?

It is totally up to you. Depending on what town you live in, you can foster up to four dogs at a time. But, even if you foster just one at a time, this is still wonderful! You can foster every week, once a month, or even just once in a while. Every dog you save counts!

If a foster dog damages something in my home, who pays replacement costs?

If your foster dogs tears up a pillow, chews up your favorite pair of shoes, scratches up your woodwork, etc., then you are responsible for the replacement costs; the bottom line is that you should have been supervising the dog. If there are times when you can’t supervise the dog, then the dog should be in a crate.

I would like to provide a foster home. What do I do now?

If you are interested in fostering, please complete the foster home application.  Still have questions? Please email us at wagsandwigglesfw@gmail.com and someone will be happy to answer any other questions you may have.